Thursday, April 10, 2008

Subscribe to Google Reader

I want to give everyone that doesn't do it already some very useful info. that I got from my best buddy cousin - Valerie

GOOGLE READER. This makes keeping up with bloggers so easy.

Search google reader on your internet search line. You can subscribe to any site. Just add subscriptions and copy and paste all your favorite blogger friend addresses. It will just show you when someone has added something and you can read it. You have to leave google reader open on your desk top. Refresh once or twice a day - - Whaalaa!!


Anonymous said...

Loving the new layout! Wow, your good at this stuff.

kelliemcc said...

Super cute!! Tell Joann maybe I don't want to read her blog anymore, so take that. And how the heck do you know brock southwick? small world.

Marissa said...

just wanna tell you i LOVE your family picture, you guys are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Just thought I would let ya know, I found JoAnn's Blog!

kelliemcc said...

Don't be hating on Michael Johns. You probably want Jason Castro to win, he is a dreadlock looser.